We are the reliable supplier of many shops, the markets and
points of trade in building materials of Israel, providing inexpensive
and qualitative numerous building objects. Today, we are glad to give possibility to all buyers
of Israel and Europe regions to make the order and to carry out purchase of
saw-timbers without intermediarie
We sell our production through
Internet shop or from a warehouse it is possible also by the gross, and
at retail under the low prices. Saw-timbers are building and finishing
materials from wood (bars, boards), received in process saw the wood. For manufacture of high-quality saw-timbers from wood of
valuable coniferous breeds (a cedar, larches Siberian) we use wood from Russia edges. To continue...
The Interline interval from board adding differs the highest quality. It is made on the special equipment of the already preliminary dried material. The pilenyj interline interval as much as possible keeps wood structure that allows not only to reduce technological expenses at work with it, but to receive a better final product. The pilenyj interline interval is applied to facing of various products, such as board panels, doors, elements of ladders, a face sheet of a parquet board. As the interline interval is applied in manufacture of musical instruments and glue details.