Bakelise plywood (or Bakelite plywood) is impregnated
special bakelite by a varnish at the expense of what is a moisture
resistant material. Bakelise plywood (Bakelite plywood)
possesses high indicators of physicomechanical properties at the
expense of what it is applied in shipbuilding, motor industry and
building. Bakelise plywood (or Bakelite plywood) most of all
approaches for building in difficult conditions and is especially
steady against environment influence. Bakelise plywood (or Bakelite plywood) possesses firmness to influence of various excited
environments (for example, fairwall). At the expense of these
especial characteristics Bakelise plywood (or Bakelite plywood)
is used even in a tropical climate and in sea water. Bakelise plywood (or Bakelite plywood) represents a birch interline
interval with mutually perpendicular arrangement of fibres in adjacent