Plywood under a timbering consists of three or more layers someone an
interline interval, one or both out of layers are made of a facing
material. Timberling - it is carrieng out or at pasting of a package or
as independent process.
Plywood under a timbering, revetted plane
an interline interval, depending on a glue kind shares for marks: FOF -
with application glue. On quality of the facing parties it shares
on one - and bilateral. Depending on a grade of an interline interval
and its structure plywood under a timbering happens I and II grades.
Plywood under a timbering revetted with a paper, make from else an
interline interval with the facing covering which is carrying out
protectively-decorative functions, executed of the paper of various
kinds usually impregnated with pitches of high water resistance. To continue
Moisture resistant plywood (waterproof plywood) — a popular building
material. Plywood happens birch, coniferous and combined. Each of
plywood kinds has the advantages. Birch plywood is applied in the
conditions of the raised loading. Coniferous plywood differs from birch
plywood in easier weight. Special properties give to plywood pitches
and varnishes that allows to make waterproof plywood (moisture
resistant plywood). It is allocated three kinds of waterproof plywood:
* Plywood is stuck together by pitch. Such plywood is
used in premises. * Waterproof plywood is stuck together by
phenolic pitch. Moisture resistant plywood can be used outside of
premises. * Waterproof bacelite plywood — is impregnated bacelite by a varnish. This moisture resistant plywood can be used
in a hot damp climate, and even in sea water. to continue...
In assortment of our production there is a wide choice of plywood. One
of the most popular kinds is plywood laminated.
The laminated plywood
can serve as a deck in a timbering at monolithic building. For roof and
flooring manufacturing under floors plywood coniferous in the best way
approaches. As you can get at us moisture resistant plywood and plywood
большеформатную. We support constant assortment in our warehouse.
Always available there are accessories for a timbering of walls,
timberings of overlappings and крупнощитовой timberings. Also at us you
can get various accessories for a timbering of overlappings: beams for
a timbering, beams fanerno-wooden, telescopic racks, racks volume and
many other things. to continue...
plywood the plywood which external layers are made from
interline interval of wood of coniferous breeds, in particular pines,
larches, fur-trees, a fir and a cedar. As to inside layers they can be
made both from coniferous, and of a deciduous interline interval
provided that quality of plywood will correspond thus to requirements
of standards. Coniferous plywood can be applied: * in building; * in the
furniture industry; * in the car and car building; * by packing
manufacture. to continue
Application of Plywood birch has glutinous
connection of the raised water resistance. Plywood is used in
various spheres: * building; * furniture manufacture; * motor industry; * car building; * shipbuilding; * manufacturing of publicity boards and
protections * constructional works; * internal furnish of premises,
roofing works, packing, etc. to continue...