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Plywood under a timbering
Plywood under a timbering
Main » Articles » PLYWOOD » Plywood under a timbering

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Plywood under a timbering consists of three or more layers someone an interline interval, one or both out of  layers are made of a facing material. Timberling - it is carrieng out or at pasting of a package or as independent process.
 Plywood under a timbering, revetted plane an interline interval, depending on a glue kind shares for marks: FOF - with application glue. On quality of the facing parties it shares on one - and bilateral. Depending on a grade of an interline interval and its structure plywood under a timbering happens I and II grades. Plywood under a timbering revetted with a paper, make from else an interline interval with the facing covering which is carrying out protectively-decorative functions, executed of the paper of various kinds usually impregnated with pitches of high water resistance.
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Plywood under a timbering | Reads: 1118 | Add: admin | Date: 05.11.2008

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